Socio-economic Characteristics of the Tomato Farmers in Selected Areas of Chapainawabganj District


  • Md. Nazmul Alam Department of Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
  • Md. Taj Uddin Department of Agricultural Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
  • Md. Moniruzzaman Department of Agribusiness and Marketing, Bangladesh Agricultural University BAU, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
  • Nazia Tabassum Department of Agribusiness and Marketing, Bangladesh Agricultural University BAU, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
  • Mohammad Mahbubul Haque Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh


Socio-economic, Marketing system, Tomato


The present study was undertaken to estimate the profitability of tomato production. In total 40 farmers were selected from two villages namely Kalinagur and Baliadanga under sadar upazila of Chapai Nawabganj district. Data were collected by using pre-tested questionnaire. Both econometric model description and statistical analysis were done to achieve the objectives of the study. The functional analysis indicated that the use of human labour, seeds, fertilizer, irrigation and insecticide had significant impact on net return of the tomato production. Per hectare gross cost of tomato production was Tk. 170619 and the gross return was Tk. 320112. Per hectare net returns of producing tomato was Tk. 149493. The undiscounted benefit cost ratio was found 1.87. It means that various inputs had effective contribution to increase net return of tomato production. The study reported some problems and constraints faced by the farmers during production and marketing of tomato, which were inadequate supply of good quality of seed, high price of fertilizer and insecticide, lack of irrigation, inadequate storage facilities and dominance of intermediaries. Based on the findings of the study, some recommendations are made, which are, institutional credit support, availability of quality seeds of improved varieties, control evil practice of middlemen, reduce price fluctuation and ensure fair price.


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How to Cite

Alam, M. N., Uddin, M. T., Moniruzzaman, M. ., Tabassum, N. ., & Haque, M. M. . (2016). Socio-economic Characteristics of the Tomato Farmers in Selected Areas of Chapainawabganj District. Fundamental and Applied Agriculture, 1(2), 101–105. Retrieved from



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